Let's be honest here: A look at the language lies we tell
A Talk by Heidi Lovejoy (Founder, Love, Joy, and Languages)
About this Talk
Do you consider yourself an honest person? I know I do. Yet, if I'm being really honest with myself, I can name dozens of lies I've told myself throughout my language journey. Things like, "Buy this expensive program, and you'll do it one hour every day until it's complete." Really, Heidi? Will you? Of course you won't, and you know it. But then I would buy the expensive program, burn out quickly, and feel guilt for having wasted money and shame for failing to do the work.
What if, instead, I were brutally honest with myself and showed up as myself instead of as the language learner I thought I should be? It's okay. These little lies we tell (even if just to ourselves) are a protection mechanism. They're a shield from the truth that sometimes we don't know what we're doing, that maybe we aren't as self-motivated as we'd like to be, or that we aren't as far on our language journeys as we think we should be. Yet, I believe that the more brutally honest we are with ourselves, the easier we can progress in our languages and find true joy in the process.
My talk today is all about the types of language learning lies we tell, why we aren't completely honest all the time, and what we can do to improve our language lives through honesty and authenticity. Come and join me in discovering how the truth really can set you free!