How to Earn Money in Your Sleep by Self-Publishing a Profitable Language Book
A Talk by John Fotheringham (Founder, Anywhere Immersion)
About this Talk
In today’s world, you no longer need a publisher.
You don’t need an agent.
You don’t need to wait to be chosen.
As James Altucher puts it:
"In every part of society, the middlemen are being pushed out of the picture. No longer is someone coming to hire you, to invest in your company, to sign you, to pick you. It’s on you to make the most important decision in your life: Choose Yourself."
You may assume that self-publishing is “risky” or less prestigious, but it actually has many advantages:
✅ complete creative control
✅ much higher royalties
✅ faster turnaround times
✅ direct connection with your readers
So if you don’t need a publisher, what do you need to publish a profitable book?
Just three things:
① A great idea (something that solves a real problem for your readers)
② A "minimum viable audience” (what Kevin Kelly calls “1,000 True Fans”)
③ The courage and discipline to execute (the world’s best book is worthless if it never leaves your hard drive)
In this talk, John Fotheringham—who has earned well over $100,000 USD self-publishing his own language books—guides you through:
- Why you should self-publish your book
- How to choose the right book idea and title
- How to build a “minimum viable audience”
- How to build the habits of a professional author
- How to write, edit, and design your book on a tight budget
If you’ve ever dreamed of publishing a language book, this talk will give you the roadmap you need to finally silence your inner critics, take action, and earn a decent living doing what you love!